Repository Fetcher



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Turn any GitHub Repository into LLM-ready data

RepoLingo is a powerful tool designed to transform GitHub repositories into LLM-friendly context. This innovative solution helps users provide comprehensive project information to AI models like ChatGPT, Claude, or any other LLM, enabling more effective communication and assistance.

With customizable settings and efficient processing, you can easily convert complex repository structures into a format that's perfect for in-depth discussions about your projects with AI assistants.

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Key Features

Repository Structure

Preserves the original file structure for easy navigation and understanding.

Customizable Settings

Tailor the output with ignore patterns, file size limits, and more.

XML Output

Generates a structured XML format that's easily parsed by LLMs.

Secure Processing

Your GitHub API key is securely stored and used only client-side.

Frequently Asked Questions

© 2024 RepoLingo

Empowering developers with AI-friendly context

Made with by Leon Kohli. All rights reserved.